The technical excellence and realistic approach of our team ensure that you get scalable solutions that help accelerate your success.
Pharmacists and patients consultation, collaboration, and coordination for patient-centric care, claims, billing. Home Care, Care Transitions & Avoiding Hospitalizations, Flexible and Robust Care Plans, Tracking with Telephony (IVR) and Mobile/GPS, Assign and track individualized care plans, Family mobile application, Remote patient monitoring to avoid hospitalizations. Billing Rule engine and workflow, Claim adjudication
Big data processing across clouds
Parallel processing model, queries are split and distributed across parallel nodes and processed in parallel, The results are then gathered and delivered. Business Intelligence uses descriptive statistics with data with high information density to measure things, detect trends, etc. Workflow management process with cluster capabilites, connecting the dots between data intelligence repositories and providing analytics capabilities on site.
Indexes and markets, verdicts, stock selector, strategy rules, stop loss calculator, portofolio, prices, volumes, reports. Clients, Client plans (Pensions, Retirement, Investments), Contributions and Withdrawals, Commissions and Fees, Shortfall Calculators
Practice management
Capture patient demographics, schedule appointments, maintain lists of insurance payors, perform financial and billing tasks, claims and statements, generate reports, 835, 837I, 837P.
Virtual pharmacist portal consultation platform, Real time notifications pharmacists and patient notifications, SOAP/Patient Medication/Physician Letter Generationm, Billing and claim processing integrates data from the patient EMR and national drug systems Integration with PHR, EMR, pharmacy, hie systems, HL7 HIPPA and HL7 compliance intervention services such as patient adherence and medication therapy management (MTM)
Chemists / biopharma legal uses the application to conduct research, analysis over space of molecules, substructure searching, occupied or unoccupied spaces, interferences between mole